Announcement by The SPfreaks Team We’re pleased to share the winning entry of our contest, with the submitted article and decoupage set below. Our winner is now being sent a copy of the Mellon Collie CD Deluxe Box Set and an SPfreaks t-shirt! The World of Mellon Collie By: wK Do you know these guys that “know music”? They’re familiar with every possible band you’ve never heard about, discographies by year, lineup changes, backstories and trivia? They also know their way around the different genres, styles, eras and influences? Well, I’m sort of that kinda guy. * * * The first […]
Announcement by The SPfreaks Team December 15th was the deadline for the contest that we started on October 7th. We asked you to write an essay called “The World of Mellon Collie”, and add a decoupage set to the essay. The essay was to be between 1,000 and 2,500 words long. Members of the SPfreaks Team were not eligible to enter the contest. The contest has been highly anticipated since early October, and we noticed multiple positive responses on the Smashing Pumpkins forum, Twitter, and above all, Facebook. However, in the meantime we were unable to have a band member […]
Announcement by The SPfreaks Team The World Of Mellon Collie With the upcoming reissue of Smashing Pumpkins‘ Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness scheduled for early December, 2012, we at SPfreaks thought it a good idea to have another fan contest! SPfreaks has a history in organizing and/or supporting Smashing Pumpkins fan contests, with the 2008 Poster Contest (fully supported by the band) being the most remarkable to date. After this long running contest, the winner received tickets and backstage passes to a 20th Anniversary show of Smashing Pumpkins, and had her winning poster signed during a meet and greet with the band! The winner […]
Article by Daniella Koontz When I first found out that I won the SPfreaks competition I was completely shocked and elated. What an amazing feeling of accomplishment. The next step was to figure out which show I was going to attend. Since I live in the state of Florida, I’d have to fly. Several of the shows overlapped dates that I already had planned to be on vacation, so those were out. Several dates were already sold out, so those were obviously out, and several were too far away for my budget. On top of that I had to figure […]